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Friday, May 13, 2011

procesiones semana santa guatemala

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  • 108
    Sep 6, 03:51 AM

    so if a 720p movie is 3 GB and a lot of you are saying it currently can take "forever" for video to download through the iTune Music Store, my question is, how long is "forever" to you all? i've lived in korea, and, on occasion, downloaded 3 GB in about one minute, so my perspective is pretty poor.

    i live in tokyo, where i get fantastic, fantastic fiber internet (and pay much for the pleasure), which yields pretty nice download speeds.

    i have never used the iTunes store! i have iTunes on my terrible, terrible PC here at work here at this Evil Corporation of mine, and i will be buying a MacBook Pro the moment Core 2 Duo is confirmed, so i might as well start using iTunes to download whatever pleases me. i only hope i can download some american television programs with a japanese iTunes account. or . . . maybe not? i don't know how it's going to work. i'll look into it!!

    would really like a new iPod!! my old 40GB workhorse finally fell over dead, a whole six months after the warranty was done for, so i'd love some big giant iPod video breakthrough.

    very excited to see what kind of distribution system they're looking at, seeing as it will affect both my life (40" 1080p bravia X series at home!!) and my . . . job.

    either way, this is all very exciting!! i just hope Core 2 Duo is announced. i want my 20%!!

    also, did anyone else notice that nintendo is doing press conferences world-wide on september 14th, unveiling the price and release of their Wii console?

    that company is looking more and more like apple every day.

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. de Procesion semana santa
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  • gregorypierce
    Apr 11, 02:28 AM
    Unlikely - this would require the new private key be embedded in the firmware update package, which would defeat the purpose of replacing the old key.

    This is a fundamental issue with DRM solutions - you, as the consumer, have to hold the private key. They (Apple) can obfuscate where that key is, but in the end it has to be accessible in some manner. It's the same thing with iTunes DRM. If someone cares enough, they can almost certainly retrieve the private key (which is how Requiem works).

    I'm guessing Apple may make some half-hearted move or another; but I doubt they care all that much.

    Indeed, because any company that tries to take advantage of that can almost certainly be sued by Apple with little issue.

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  • Procesion San Francisco El

  • sigma8
    Mar 23, 06:16 PM
    No one likes drunk drivers. No one. Period. That being said, Apple should not pull the App. Speed trap apps will be next (Trapster)... Keep the app store open to everything thats legal. This is no different than a friend calling you telling you to avoid a check point. Neither is illegal.

    I agree. These apps are only letting people share information. If law enforcement doesn't want people avoiding the traps and checkpoints, then they should randomize their placement. They can quickly render these apps useless by simply changing their methods. That solves the problem without impinging or seeming to impinge upon any free speech issues.

    In fact, the notion that these apps exist at all demonstrates that people are sharing this information. I'd wager this was happening on forums or IRC (or through other means) on the QT well before the apps themselves were created. If they get the apps removed, it will still be happening. Law enforcement should be glad to learn that their methods have been circumvented, and that they should change them.

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. Cuaresma y Semana Santa 02-04-
  • Cuaresma y Semana Santa 02-04-

  • Jowl
    Apr 11, 03:00 AM
    What I don't get is why can't Apple enable any iOS device (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) as an Airplay target device? Obviously iOS supports it as Apple TV can be a target for Airplay from iTunes.

    AirFrame (http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fitunes.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fairframe%2Fid416480052%3Fmt%3D8&rct=j&q=airframe%20itunes&ei=6bSiTYuHCZGwhAfMuaDxBA&usg=AFQjCNEFFllGAXPM2zbfQOCBM6D-_HZzHw&cad=rja) allows sending video between iOS devices. I've sucesfully used it from iPhone to iPad

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. La procesión recorrió las
  • La procesión recorrió las

  • langis.elbasunu
    Mar 23, 06:27 PM
    also, LOL @ senators caring about an app "saving lives". How many wars are we currently fighting at the moment? How many innocent lives have been lost?

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. Semana Santa Antigua Guatemala
  • Semana Santa Antigua Guatemala

  • aristotle
    Nov 13, 11:56 PM
    Come off it, cmaier has a darn good point. Apple is being utterly ridiculous in this debacle between themselves and Rogue Amoeba. There was no reason at all that such a debate should have evolved into a 3 month conflict, nor was it that it should have ended with Rogue Amoeba having to indulge their customers in a battle with Apple over icons. Having user interface unity is something Apple strives for in all of their products. By giving 3rd party developers the ninth degree over something so ingrained in this product is simply stupid. It does nothing to help the end user, ingrain the confidence of developers, or aid Apple. It just brings out end users and developers with grievances and sharpened pitchforks.
    Dude. You have a double standard. If Apple were to infringe on the copyright of someone else, you would be here pitchfork in hand screaming for blood.

    If you look on other sites like macnn, you will see that the airfoil app does not only display Apple icons but rather the icon of whatever browser is configured as the main browser. They cannot make the claim that they have to right to use the Firefox, Camino or Omniweb icon in their app. It is not "streaming" the icon data, it is copied over and displayed superimposed on another icon which is presumably an internal OS X bundle. The audio is streamed but those icons are copied over and superimposed on each other on the phone. That is a clear violation of the IP of other programs in a manner that is not consistent with use on the mac it was pulled from.

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. Semana Santa Antigua Guatemala
  • Semana Santa Antigua Guatemala

  • Full of Win
    Apr 25, 01:01 PM
    Nice. My 17 MBP (Early 2009) will be getting close to the end of its life cycle by then, allowing me to easily slide into a new MBP.

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  • Semana+santa+en+guatemala

  • Josias
    Sep 10, 04:50 AM
    I guess Apple should'a put Conroe in the iMacs. Is there a chance this will mean Conroe will be in MacPro's?

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. semana santa en sevilla 2011.
  • semana santa en sevilla 2011.

  • EstrlM3
    Mar 30, 11:44 AM
    Disclaimer: Apple fanboy here. But agree with Microsoft.

    App Store is simply the description of the actual thing: An app store. It's just too simple.

    Windows on the other hand is a name that wouldn't be used to describe an operating system. Windows, much like Pages, Keynote and Numbers, is a noun used creatively to create a trademark. App Store is a close second but, IMO, fails due to being the actual description of the object.

    If Microsoft had called Windows simply "Operating System" and copyrighted that, THEN it'd be the same thing :P

    But they are not calling it 'Application Store'

    They are calling it 'App Store' ;)

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. Cuaresma y Semana Santa en
  • Cuaresma y Semana Santa en

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 12, 03:30 PM
    This will probably go over like a lead balloon, but there is something to be said for natural selection. NOW BEFORE YOU START SCREAMING, hear me out...

    AIDS is an awful thing, especially to the proportions it has affected the people of Africa. But there is also a reason AIDS has taken over there the way it is, and it's only partially to do with poverty. AIDS has exploded in that population, because it is a population that is extremely traditional, rudimentary, and in many ways archaic. There are many wonderful things about the African people, but there were also many wonderful things about the Dinosaurs, the Dodo bird, and numerous others.

    Please don't take this to mean I'm equating the people of Africa with wild animals. I'm not. But in many ways, the people of Africa are in the situation they are in because they have not evolved the same way as most of the world, and in that respect, they are paying a price. Yes, it is our responsibility as human beings to try and help people in need, and that is a wonderful thing. But at the end of the day, if we did nothing, there would still be a small percentage of African people who will survive this epidemic, and they will be more educated and elightened than the ones who do not.

    Much in the way that forest fires, although terrible in some respects, are essential to the rejuvenation of the population and ecosystem in that area, so too are epidemics and catastrophes. And this not a bash-on-Africa comment... the Black Plague was the same idea. Too many people, living in too close quarters, with too little regard for health or wellbeing. Millions died, but many survived, and the ones that did were smarter and wiser for it.

    The people of Africa are not necessarily as helpless as the may seem from the outside. They just have a different culture and mindset than Western people do. Right or wrong is not for us to decide, but adapting to nature is part of life on Earth... and sometimes that means that large numbers of people or animals die, needlessly or otherwise. Just my two cents.

    I admire your commitment to the evolutionary approach. I would just like to point out that evolution has also created the compassion (or at least social conscience) that inspires this sort of effort. Perhaps this compassion is a trait that increases the survivability of our species in a way too. (I'm not suggesting that all traits increase survivability, but evolution has been going for some time now, and compassion has been a human trait for some time as well, so perhaps the two are friends for some reason).

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. Procesión, Semana Santa
  • Procesión, Semana Santa

  • dongmin
    Sep 4, 07:48 PM
    I know it says Instead of a video iPod, they believe a video streaming device. As others have stated, this doesn't seem to be enough to warrant a "Special Media Event".

    What if this rumor is half right: There is a new video streaming device ready to be demoed, but the "one more thing" could be that there is a video iPod also ready, and the movie service works the same way with it as the iTMS, but the video iPod can also stream the videos to your TV. There are limitations, such as battery life, but it could be limited to just being able to stream when the video iPod is connected to a power supply.

    Just a thought....:rolleyes:You're right, it doesn't have to be either or. It could and should be both. iTunes will download the movies in high resolution (at least 480p) for the living room but also simultaneously compress down the movies for the iPod like it does with photos.

    Anyways, don't discount this video-streaming Airport express hardware, especially if it has an IR receiver so that you can control Front Row 100% from the living room. It could be a pretty big improvement over the current setup which forces you to interact with your computer screen for these living room functions. Apple is smart to seperate them.

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. Procesión de Jesús de la Caída
  • Procesión de Jesús de la Caída

  • product26
    Apr 25, 12:58 PM
    BlackBook Pro? *fingers crossed*

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. procesión de Semana Santa
  • procesión de Semana Santa

  • SeaFox
    Sep 26, 09:58 PM
    AllTel is IS95 ("CDMA") not GSM.

    The only two national operators of GSM networks in the US are T-Mobile and Cingular, though there are a small handful of regional networks dotted around the country.

    Not in all areas. In northern Wisconsin I got roaming signal on my GSM phone, and AllTel is the only carrier in the area.

    Actually we're both right (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alltel). Alltel does not offer GSM service to it's customers, but owns and maintains a large GSM network they aquired from another carrier.

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. procesion, semana santa, jesus
  • procesion, semana santa, jesus

  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 29, 11:32 AM
    Windows 7 kicks ass, it's every bit as good as Snow Leopard if not better.

    When Windows starts to come close to SL in terms of ease of use and functionality let me know ;)

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. la semana santa guatemala.
  • la semana santa guatemala.

  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 24, 06:32 AM
    It's just the reality Intel forced onto us, why does anyone want to live in denial ?

    Because an AMD based system is for those Windows using pigs. :rolleyes:

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. SEMANA SANTA 2011 GUATEMALA

  • bitfactory
    Oct 27, 09:34 AM
    So all Greenpeace did was hand out leaflets in areas other than their stand? So they didn't smash up the Apple stand or invade Adobe chanting and shouting.

    They handed out leaflets and were ejected because no one's ever allowed to talk about the downsides of our throwaway consumer-trinket technojunk culture without being told to shut up.

    Heck, every trade show I ever go to has girls with their tits half hanging out wondering the halls handing out leaflets nowhere near their particular stand.

    Sad to see so many people now happy to have people's free speech stamped all over. No wonder Bush can dismantle the Bill of Rights and his lapdog Blair can swiftly remove centruries-old liberties with barely a whisper. I agree with Greenpeace's concerns. Vast toxic waste dumps with no proper processing are springing up across China.

    If some fat overfed Westerner's kids had to live and play near a site like that they'd be up in arms! But, no, let's pretend the problems are somehow 'made up' by 'subversives' and need stamping out with the jackboots.

    This way, please. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbole)

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. procesion, semana santa
  • procesion, semana santa

  • savar
    Sep 12, 02:26 PM
    what do you man by home sync... i missed lot of info. and i could not find anything on that...

    Yeah what's going on at MR? I had a meeting today that directly overlapped this event, I expected to have a recap to read. Is it possible to even see the MRLive stream? I'm confused. Any big announcements today? 80GB ipod sounds cool..at $350 is it cheaper than the previous 5th generation? I could swear the 60GB was $400. If so, this is a nice update...if somewhat lackluster when juxtaposed with the wild rumors we've been seeing for months.

    Edit: apple.com is missing the big image in the middle. its 3:32 pm EST. what on earth is going on?

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. Las procesiones con motivo del
  • Las procesiones con motivo del

  • macmax77
    Aug 29, 12:02 AM
    i don't know, but i am not sure about this Intel thing yet!:mad:

    procesiones semana santa guatemala. Procesión antes de Semana
  • Procesión antes de Semana

  • jouster
    Aug 28, 02:18 PM
    These are products that are now competing directly with the products or the PC industry.....

    Apple has always competed directly with PCs and related products.

    .....now that Apple is using Intel Processors, all they really have going for them are their ability to run OS X and their design

    When were those not the only distinctions Apple had? I mean, who really bought Macs because they had processors based on a different ISA?

    Oct 27, 03:34 PM
    why are they mad about getting kicked out.

    Why would they be mad about this? The disruption was clearly intentional - they did have a contract telling them what would be allowed - so that they could get themselves into the news.

    Apr 25, 10:08 PM
    And a large portion of that 99% of the market will find integrated graphics fine, until they venture to the Apple App Store, and find that their spanking new MBA have a video card not supported by 99% of the games on sale... In fact, integrated graphics are not only not supported, but are specifically singled out in most game's system requirements.

    I don't question the gaming issue, I just wonder what percentage of MBP buyers would not buy because of the Intel graphics. My uneducated guess would be a very small percentage. Remember, Apple caters to the average consumer, not the geeks.

    Aug 23, 08:42 PM
    Well, it wasn't just this lawsuit. Five lawsuits were settled @ $20M a suit + no distractions of dragging this out... Plus they now are paid up FOREVER to use this license + they could recoup some money if Licenses are granted to others... doesn't sound as drastic as $100M is suddenly down the toilet. There's some value there for Apple. Apple appears even to be booking the license as an asset on their balance (http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/174096756/m/560002960831?r=945004960831#945004960831) sheet and hence the cost of it will be amortized overtime (asset depreciation).

    Chupa Chupa
    Sep 14, 08:28 AM
    Most likely. I'm not a betting person, but Apple usually rolls out new pro machines during these types of events and what better way to show off the MBPs running C2D than a demonstration of Aperture 2.0. :)

    Yup. I agree. And I bet the new MBPs will ship immediately as well. What would be really cool is if Apple lowered the price of Aperture to $199 or so to make it more affordable to the photo piddlers among us. After all, surely Aperture 2 is going to have massive hardware and GPU requirements (read: QuadCore Mac + 4GB RAM + X1900 video card). That is really where Apple makes it's cash. Just dreaming, of course, because I can't justify a $300 software package when I'm just a dabbler. Lightroom beta has been fun though.

    Sep 15, 05:39 PM
    Well the w800i has a 2MP Camera, the K800 does have a 3MP camera though. All the same - lot's of half decent camera phones over here! :D


    Sorry, thanks for pointing it out:o

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