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Thursday, May 26, 2011

storage wars brandi

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  • storage wars | Info about

  • BoyBach
    Aug 29, 04:30 PM
    I'd just like to inject here that Apple is apparently complying with all U.S. environmental regulations and, to my mind anyway, has no corporate responsibility towards the environment beyond that. They are certainly not bound by the law to have CPU and iPod recycling programs, for example.

    If they were breaking environmental law, that would be entirely different. Their social responsibility towards the environment is to act within the law, which they are doing.

    Maybe. But Apple are global company and they are subject to the laws of the various countries in which they sell their products.

    In the EU there will soon be WEEE directive that governs the disposal of so called "E-waste" (televisions, computers, phones, etc), that will seriously affect manufacturers and retailers. So will Apple continue along their current trend of simply not selling products in these territories or will they redesign them? Because, eventually these sorts of laws will be passed all around the world, including the US.

    Reactive or proactive - which is the better business?

    storage wars brandi. Storage Wars
  • Storage Wars

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 04:29 PM
    So much for taking the higher road and preaching everyone is equal etc etc etc. What a bunch of hipacrits.
    Equal in what respect(s)? No one is absolutely equal to anyone else, is he?

    storage wars brandi. Storage Wars1 (2)
  • Storage Wars1 (2)

  • mward333
    Apr 15, 10:26 AM
    Everybody deserves love and respect--it seems to me that this project is supportive of this notion. Very cool indeed.

    storage wars brandi. lady gaga 2011 hairstyle.
  • lady gaga 2011 hairstyle.

  • wkhahn
    Sep 20, 11:01 AM
    You might have a point here but at that price point I suspect a 30GB HD and no PVR use. The HD could be used for caching and PPV/rental movies though.

    I was going to ask why not a PRV, but realized it myself. While apple does not prevent you from loading music you have aquired through other means onto your iPod, they don't help you either. They don't help you buy CD's because its too broad an experience to simplfy. Same with the PVR. How a customer aquires content from a provider varies too much for apple to engineer an simple solution. But they can provide their own simple content delivery solution.

    Next, they need to provide an NAS for all your media either from the store, ripped from disc or created yourself. Move the media off the computer.

    storage wars brandi. Natalie Portman Star Wars
  • Natalie Portman Star Wars

  • Quobobo
    Mar 18, 06:46 PM
    It's almost like you were planning of going online to one of the illegal music sharing sites, documenting your activities, and then sending that information directly to the RIAA with your name and address with a note asking them to prosecute.

    Except with one key difference: you're paying for the music. If you can buy a CD and rip it to any format you like, why should you have to have DRM on files you (legally) download? This is why I never use online download sites, I don't understand why I should pay for files that are inferiour to what I can download for free. When I pay for music, I'd rather buy a CD that doesn't have any DRM.

    storage wars brandi. Storage Wars: “The King” of
  • Storage Wars: “The King” of

  • appleguy123
    Apr 22, 10:56 PM
    On other forums, people complain about the word agnostic.
    >agnostic theist- I believe in god, but have no knowledge of him.
    >agnostic atheist- I don't belief in god, but I don't claim a special source of knowledge for that disbelief
    >gnostic theist-I know that is a god!
    >gnostic atheist-I know there is no god with the same degree of certainty that the theist knows there is one.

    I don't think that many would call themselves a gnostic atheist, I certainly don't.

    storage wars brandi. Vs vollach randi edge lyrics
  • Vs vollach randi edge lyrics

  • theBB
    Sep 12, 07:34 PM
    Where? The pics I saw looked like power, Ethernet, HDMI and 5 RCA jacks for component out?

    Between ethernet and power.

    storage wars brandi. randy The jun classy
  • randy The jun classy

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 06:44 PM
    You and I have a terribly different definition of ruins I suppose. I consider a place ruins when its not even inhabitable.

    Well if you were to look at world history, rather than just look at the world through a religious lens, you'd know the reasons for ongoing conflicts in much of that section of the world. Hint: it tends to do with imperialists powers tamperings.

    Also, where is the biggest muslim population in the world? ;)

    Most Islamic countries are not inhabitable by homosexuals or religious minorities, your mileage may vary.

    The biggest muslim population right now is Indonesia, and they tried banning Christians from using Allah to describe their God. They're also trying to ban the Ahmadiyah sect...

    I don't think France or Britain are responsible for Iran's strict implementation of Islamic law and ruthless persecution of dissidents, and to claim that they are responsible is insulting to Muslims because it implies they're far too reactionary to deal with anything using Reason. Just like people who want to ban qur'an burnings and blasphemy because they're afraid of how muslims might react. Are Muslims animals who are so easily goaded? No, they're human beings so they should be expected to act responsibly and not go on rampages at the slightest provocation.

    storage wars brandi. Brandy Ledford - Daze News
  • Brandy Ledford - Daze News

  • slotcarbob
    Feb 23, 02:23 PM
    Android is going to do what Windows did. Those who like that Windows experience (read "cheap") are going to go in that direction. Those that want the elegant, minimalistic, rock solid OS, continue to stay with iPhone.

    One thing I did notice though, in any numbers comparisons. Apple sells one phone, with one OS, and currently with one carrier (a hated one, btw). Android is running on several phones, and many carriers. The actual comparison is flawed. Let me suggest this. If one gets a choice of 'Droid or iP (from a carrier that offers both) , the iP will win out, even if the iP is a bit more expensive.

    On the subject of price, there is a good chance that Apple may be able to undercut others because they could be using their own chips, soon.

    Lastly, I have tried both types of phones. Are you kidding me? 'Drois software is absolutely awful.

    storage wars brandi. Brandi Mahon - Daze News
  • Brandi Mahon - Daze News

  • redkamel
    Apr 10, 12:13 AM
    Problems I had
    1. File structure: no more program files and all that stuff. Programs are programs and are 99% contained in their little icon. However, it took time to realize that only the icon in the Application folder is the actual program. It was a little confusing when I had stuff poofing and dissapearing and being dragged to the menu bar. Anything that poofs is actually a shortcut, just find the "real thing" in Applications or the Home folder and you can drag it back. Nothing is deleted unless it is trashed. I'll tell you, the poofs had me freaked out a few times.

    2. Many programs want you to manage files from within programs. Itunes does not want you organizing music folders. It wants you to organize in itunes. iphoto is the same. You just have to let go of folder management...except for documents. Its a hard habit to break. Let the programs do the organization.

    3. I had to find new software for some activities. All of it was much better and higher quality that its windows counterparts.

    4. Its hard to learn where all the preferences are. You also have to turn things on, like "right click". after that its a breeze. "Get info" on files is also useful for associating programs with files and such.

    5. Sorting out which Apple-interface stuff was useful to me. Coverflow is stupid, Quicklook is great. Widgets are silly, but highlighting files (under "get info) is awesome. Things like that.

    Solutions to peoples problems I saw earlier

    storage wars brandi. Storage Wars - Aamp;E TV
  • Storage Wars - Aamp;E TV

  • valkraider
    Apr 28, 10:18 AM
    Go and read.
    my 5-10 year predictions are actually quite funny.

    You obviously have no idea how this works and no matter what stuff those little toys bring they will still be just fillers for masses not real PCs


    4352 servers during the peak of production of the Avatar blockbuster. / 34,816 processor cores, 104,448GB of memory in total. Now you get the idea what is a PC that you work with? They needed warehouses of them to get the job done and you put a little tablet in the same category as those PCs.

    Right, because in order for it to be "work" it has to involve 3D rendering or working on the (crappy) movie Avatar.

    The rest of the 300 million people in the USA who don't do 3D rendering or making digital movie effects - we all just surf the web and play games.

    Oh, and by the way, for 30 years now - there have been lots of "real PCs" which were not used for 3D rendering or making movies. In fact, until the recent advances in parallel processing, most of that 3D work and rendering was done on servers and workstations that were specifically designed for the task and cost tens of thousands of dollars each (not including software). So your "real PCs" up until maybe the last 5 or 10 years couldn't even do as much as current iPads do now - let alone what you are calling "real work".

    My current iPhone has more processing power, more memory and "disk" space, and better bandwidth than my Office computers from 1995 to 2005.

    You might need a massive computer for your work, but I know a LOT of industries that are moving to iPads because they better meet the needs of the user. The medical industry, and the logistics industry are moving that way. The auto sales industry is moving that way. Whether it is iOS or not is yet to be seen, but having a small inexpensive portable computer system with a 10 hour battery that can do 95% of the workload in a business is very attractive. I know realtors and home contractors who have become excited about the iPad as well. Even auto mechanics are using iPads in their business.

    storage wars brandi. Storage Wars
  • Storage Wars

  • myamid
    Sep 12, 07:13 PM
    I am a video editor. All the content I shoot these days is High Def. My client's video is high def. The personal movies I take of my kids are high def. I edit them in either Final Cut Pro HD or iMovie HD. I use a dLink 550 now to stream high def to my 27 LCD monitor.

    BlueRay disks are soon to be high def. The iTV will handle High Def via ethernet at least.

    High Def Broadcasts exist right now in SLC.

    Not sure where you are at with all this but I view a lot of high def content.

    So? This still doesn't mean that any HiDef content will show up on iTunes anytime soon or the the iTV will even support it out of the gate. I think it's a big mistake to assume things... Hope and dream all you want, but don't assume...

    storage wars brandi. Brandi May - Daze News
  • Brandi May - Daze News

  • d0minick
    Mar 18, 06:04 AM
    Until then I'm stuck because I believe in playing by the rules, no matter how F-d up they are...

    How could you be the real IT guy if you believe that? Never meant an IT guy that had to "tweak" a few things to get a system to work, the best toys do what the manufacturer never intended!

    storage wars brandi. Brandi May - Daze News
  • Brandi May - Daze News

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 25, 03:32 PM
    By mainstream Catholic I mean someone who follows all the rules of the Catholic Church.

    Then I think you misunderstand what the word 'mainstream' means. The majority of Catholics do not care about the Vatican's line on birth control, for instance.

    The Public Religion Research Institute recently published a report based on a survey of Catholics across the United States. Amongst other findings:

    Catholics are more supportive of legal recognitions of same-sex relationships than members of any other Christian tradition and Americans overall. Nearly three-quarters of Catholics favor either allowing gay and lesbian people to marry (43%) or allowing them to form civil unions (31%). Only 22% of Catholics say there should be no legal recognition of a gay couple�s relationship.


    When same-sex marriage is defined explicitly as a civil marriage, support is dramatically higher among Catholics. If marriage for gay couples is defined as a civil marriage �like you get at city hall,� Catholic support for allowing gay couples to marry increases by 28 points, from 43% to 71%. A similar pattern exists in the general population, but the Catholic increase is more pronounced.

    A small minority of Catholics may support your views, but they would hardly be considered mainstream.

    storage wars brandi. Star Wars Cakes.
  • Star Wars Cakes.

  • Will_reed
    Jul 11, 10:12 PM
    I wonder if this will be good enough to cut my 4k footage off my yet to purchase red camera. How ever I think the quad g5 would be enough.

    storage wars brandi. Storage Wars Villian
  • Storage Wars Villian

  • Moyank24
    Mar 18, 01:43 AM
    Option 3; STOP trying to cheat the system, and START using your iDevice the way the manufacturer and your carrier designed it.

    And while you're at it, knock off the piracy with the napster/limewire/torrent crap.

    (Yeah, I said it! SOMEBODY had to!)

    Do napster and limewire even exist anymore?

    storage wars brandi. Brandie Moses - Daze News
  • Brandie Moses - Daze News

  • mr. who?
    Apr 13, 07:48 AM
    What are the chances that Logic X will be released around the same time?

    Would be awseome, but I doubt it.

    storage wars brandi. Storage Wars (Aamp;E, 10pm)
  • Storage Wars (Aamp;E, 10pm)

  • Apple OC
    Apr 23, 02:29 AM
    This is just a form of soldier conditioning. Don't fool yourself into thinking we don't do this to our own soldiers. That's why we get them when they are young 18 year olds who are impressionable and tell them they are doing this for "god and country". The good wolves will "go to heaven" protecting the sheep. "God Speed" in their mission. Being sent out to get blown up by an IED is as cannon fodderish as strapping one to your chest. The only difference is that the latter tactic is used in times of despiration against an overwhelmingly powerful enemy. Just like Kamakazis, Viet Cong, etc. And now these ppl make our TV's and clothing. ;)

    sorry but you are wrong ... we do not tell soldiers they are fighting for God or that there is anything such as being a martyr

    nice try though :rolleyes:

    storage wars brandi. As purely a data storage
  • As purely a data storage

  • charliehustle
    Oct 7, 08:02 PM
    Oh so now we have Android. First it was the Palm Pre that was going to kill the iPhone, that did not happen, then it was this or that touch screen phone that was going to kill the iPhone and that did not happen. When Android first came out with the G1 that was going to kill the iPhone, that did not happen and now we have more Android devices killing the iPhone, not going to happen. This is a load of crap from people who don't know what they are talking about. Android is hard to develop for and is at least two years behind Apple at the moment, how is this going to happen? This is the stupidest prediction I have ever heard from people who don't like Apple for some reason that I cannot understand, let's stop predicting which device is going to be King and just see what happens!!! The main reason I say this will not happen is that Android is only being adopted by technophiles and not everyday people, the iPhone is being adopted by apple technophiles and everyday people, it is the everyday people that decide which device is king and they will not adopt Android unless the OS is completely overhauled in a different direction, people like my 63 year old father have an Iphone now and there is no way he would ever want or use an Android based phone. Tech analysts need to think of everyday people when they predict this crap and not techies who hate Apple for some reason or another!!!

    no offense, but market share is completely different from "superior product"

    they do not go hand in hand, and a company with a larger market share can put out an inferior product (example: Nokia)

    more phones with android are going to be sold because there are 40 times the number of handsets android is going to be on..
    not a big deal, and apple fans should not be threatened..

    the author is just stating simple facts..

    Apr 13, 07:55 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Not every video professional has the desire or the ability to take off of work and attend NAB. Their opinions and concerns on new products demo'd that they use every day or might purchase for their business at the show are just as valid as people who decided to attend.

    NAB isn't a pilgrimage. You aren't required to drop everything and attend.

    Jul 12, 03:59 AM
    there's no way apple's going to use woodcrest in the upcoming powermac rev because there are no motherboards for socket 771 (woodcrest) that support anything above pci express 8x. powermac's are going to be high end workstations for print, graphics, and media shops, 8x pci express won't cut it.

    look around at all the motherboard manufacturers (nvidia, ati, asus, msi, etc) none of them have a woodcrest platform available. apple always uses some other motherboard vendor like supermicro.

    the upcoming powermac's will use core duo 2 and extremes. unfortunately we won't have a quad processor intel powermac just yet. but i bet the core duo 2 extreme will still show processing improvements above and beyond the quad g5 which will be good enough.

    the only way i see this happening is if apple ships the powermac in 2007 when the socket 771 boards start using 16x pci express.

    The most intelligent post on this thread. Sadly, I agree. We won't see Quad Macs until Kentsfield ships first quarter of 2007. Until then, it's going to be Duo 2 extreme and Quad G5 in the lineup.

    On another note, I cracks me up whenever I read any post where people bash the Conroe. They say that having it in anything other than iMac would be disappointing. Well, all I can say is the Conroe is a wicked fast chip and for all instensive purposes, it's just as fast as Woodcrest... if not faster. The only drawback is lack of multi processor support. For that we have to wait until 2007.

    Come WWDC, I hope to find out I'm wrong and Apple kicks out an affordable Quad Woodcrest machine. However, being a realist... I doubt it.

    Oct 28, 10:57 AM
    Bugger only 8 Cores.

    Not swiping my Visa card till they get to 1024 Cores....

    Apr 24, 12:15 PM
    And an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope...

    Sorry, couldn't help myself.

    What about fear of hell in the afterlife? Pretty powerful motivator that.

    That all depends upon what branch of religion you follow/ believe in.

    Your little Pope quip illustrates that you're unaware of just how narrow you made this thread.

    You're sadly mistaken if you think that the Pope presides over all religious activity. There are a great many religious belief systems besides the Catholic Church.

    Fear of death. That's why religion was invented and why it will always exist.

    It must be very simple and claustrophobic up there. ;)

    Who would I be to argue with such an excellent generalization?

    Mar 18, 12:20 PM
    Exactly what I was thinking. Screw the next 4 hours, for the next month I'm going to non-stop stream audio and video. I even disabled WiFi so I don't use my works connection I use only AT&T's.

    Blow me ATT.

    Netflix non-stop for the next month

    And this accomplishes what - exactly?

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