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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

tim hetherington photographer

tim hetherington photographer. Filmmaker Tim Hetherington
  • Filmmaker Tim Hetherington

  • oTaRu
    Apr 22, 11:42 AM
    hope that won't affect the battery in MBA...

    tim hetherington photographer. How the late Tim Hetherington
  • How the late Tim Hetherington

  • williedigital
    Sep 13, 10:52 PM
    Two things

    1) it seems like people are overexagerating with the "having to slide the clickwheel up to call anyone" thing. Everyone I know uses a contact list almost exclusively, something which could very easily be incorporated into the standard ipod interface (already is sort of). Calling the odd number i'd be fine with sliding it up. Perhaps they could introduce some really innovative contact list stuff software wise to make it even less necessary to "dial" people.

    2) Maybe all the touchscreen stuff we think is for the video ipod is really for the phone and the dialpad and clickwheel both use a touch sensitive thing to work.

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington: photographer
  • Tim Hetherington: photographer

  • toddybody
    Mar 22, 03:51 PM
    THIS, is the apple i miss :(


    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington photo gallery
  • Tim Hetherington photo gallery

  • blackNBUK
    Apr 11, 07:29 AM

    As you correctly highlight, the significance of this isn't that it enables others to implement 3rd party Airplay clients for innocent playback... it's that it allows Airplay-based software rippers to be constructed.

    Want an un-encrypted copy of that iTMS rental movie? Stream it to an airplay-ripper you've downloaded off the 'net, and it'll be re-compressed in non-DRM form for you to play back whenever you wish.

    This is the biggest worry for Apple. They can't raise lawsuits against free software apps hosted outside the US in the same way they could block the selling of non-licenced hardware in the US.

    This isn't exactly right, this hack is only for AirTunes (i.e. music). AirPlay for videos works in a different way and uses the same FairPlay DRM as the rest of Apple's stuff. In theory AirTunes being hacked is less of an issue because iTunes music has been DRM free for a few years now. I doubt music execs think like that though! Apple probably don't either, especially if they have a music subscription service on the horizon.

    Unfortunately fixing the DRM might be pretty easy. It depends on whether the Airport Express uses the same private key as third-party AirTunes receivers or not. If it uses a different key then it's just a matter of pushing updates for Apple's own stuff.

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington of US
  • Tim Hetherington of US

  • damnyooneek
    Apr 25, 01:50 PM
    Absolutely perfect design? Not even close.

    Things apple needs to do to make a better MBP with a redesign:

    MUST DO:

    (1) IPS screen. I actually don't mind lower resolutions on small screens (1280x800 is fine for 13.3"), but please, please give me a real IPS panel.

    what is the point of an IPS screen with a low resolution? IPS is good for viewing angles but people rarely look at a laptop from extreme viewing angles. the color and contrast on the current mbp screen are pretty good right now.

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington (Pic: Getty)
  • Tim Hetherington (Pic: Getty)

  • inkhead
    Sep 26, 02:56 PM
    If this is true you can always by the phone at the cingular store outright, then unlock it and use it on any carrier.

    I for one in disappointed they went with GSM

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington#39;s winning
  • Tim Hetherington#39;s winning

  • rotobadger
    Mar 30, 11:34 AM
    Microsoft is suing homebuilders for offering "Windows" in their homes. Instead, they need to refer to them as "transparent viewing portals".

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington is shown at
  • Tim Hetherington is shown at

  • chameleon
    Mar 29, 12:35 PM
    I'm not even sure anyone at Apple really cares about these numbers because we're talking about dozens of handsets using those OS's vs a single phone on iOS.

    No, the reason Apple doesn't care is this:


    Their "one phone" makes more profit that all the variations of Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerries combined.

    tim hetherington photographer. tim hetherington photography.
  • tim hetherington photography.

  • ValSalva
    Apr 30, 01:47 PM
    So previous iMac design lasted 4 years...it's been 3.

    Isn't this iMac design from fall of 2009? That's less than two years.

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington, war
  • Tim Hetherington, war

  • spicyapple
    Sep 19, 03:38 PM
    They are Dolby Surround, not Dolby Digital. Dolby Surround is just matrixed stereo audio.
    Aren't you contradicting yourself? iTS movies are in 5.1, so they are in fact Dolby Digital (encoded in the AC3 or MP4 format).

    tim hetherington photographer. tim hetherington photography.
  • tim hetherington photography.

  • Foggy
    Aug 29, 04:45 AM
    Am hoping they release some mbp info today. I was waiting for WWDC, that came and went, I went off on my holidays for a few weeks and came back hoping for an announcement and still nothing. Have been waiting a while to get one but I hate getting something new only to have it upgraded almost immediately afterwards. A laptop needs to last me 3 years so I expect it to go out of date, just not the week after I buy it :p

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington#39;s image of a
  • Tim Hetherington#39;s image of a

  • chuckles:)
    Aug 31, 02:52 PM
    I wonder if it will still be called the iTunes Music Store?

    Or will they even bother calling it iTunes at all... :p

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington photo Matt
  • Tim Hetherington photo Matt

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 31, 04:52 PM
    Is the Pope German? :rolleyes:

    How is that comment helpful in anyway?

    tim hetherington photographer. hotel for Tim Hetherington
  • hotel for Tim Hetherington

  • morespce54
    Aug 24, 10:54 AM
    Definitely interesting......now I'll just have to remember to never buy Creative products :) I like Apple not Creative........so why support a company I do not like that sued a company I do like and got $100 million in a lawsuit over a BS patent.

    Because buying from the company you don't love will pay 10% to the company you love! ;)

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington, an
  • Tim Hetherington, an

  • Josias
    Sep 10, 10:47 AM
    Predictions ...

    MBP 20" inch (1920 x 1200)
    4gb ram
    Dual HD = 250gb 7200rpm Raid 0
    Superdrive HD w/lightscribe
    iSight HD
    Audio Digital & analog in/out
    Vram 512MB GDDR 4 (PCI Xpress, HDMI + DVI + TV)
    3 - USB 2 / 2 - FW 400 / 2 - FW 800 / 1 - Sata
    Dual Ethernet


    4" thick.
    12 minutes of batterylife.

    NO! Why would anyone need such a laptop? Go buy a MacPro instead.

    Amd just tell me, why Lightscribe?:p

    tim hetherington photographer. Photographer Tim Hetherington
  • Photographer Tim Hetherington

  • clintob
    Oct 12, 03:56 PM
    going on to say that Africans must be allowed to die so they can evolve and catch up is extreme and unreasonable.

    It's always nice to find a reason not to make something "my problem." That's a great feeling. But I think you have gone in a pretty bad "us and them" direction with that.

    I didn't say that at all. What I said is that it's been documented throughout history that people, animals, plants, and any other form of life on Earth go through phases where large groups die off. Yes, we are intelligent, educated animals with intellect and compassion, and it is therefore our job to try and curtail those deaths that are unfiar and inhumane. Nobody in their right mind would argue that.

    What I'm saying is that when a group of people emerge (not ALL the African people - namely the group of African men who have decided that it is their duty to rape, impregnate, and pilage to their hearts content) who commit crimes against humanity, and then start to wreap the whirlwind, it's "natural" for those people to eventually meet their end - whether it be natural or otherwise. There are an AWFUL lot of African people who are compeltely innocent and in many ways helpless and it is our duty as leaders of the free world to help in any way we can. Of course - that's obvious.

    But we also have to leand creedence to the idea that there's a portion of the African culture that is too deeply rooted for us to change, and that has to be allowed to die out on its own. Not the people themselves - the notions that are ingrained in that culture that have caused this problem. Those notions need to die off, and that will only happen in time.

    THAT is what I'm trying to say.

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington (Dec.
  • Tim Hetherington (Dec.

  • ksz
    Jul 14, 11:40 AM
    I have overclocked. My point is that someone buying a Professional Workstation and trying to overclock it is childish.
    Overclocking has its uses, but I tend to agree that for most business applications, overclocking is frowned upon. I will not overclock a processor on a system I am spec'ing for a customer because it is a form of gambling. When you have to meet MTBF requirements, you tend to be conservative and cautious.

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington. Photos AP
  • Tim Hetherington. Photos AP

  • Fraghax
    Apr 4, 12:16 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    That security guard shoots better than the LA police. Lol

    tim hetherington photographer. Tim Hetherington
  • Tim Hetherington

  • JMP
    Apr 30, 06:55 PM
    Can't wait to see what they come out with. Will the displays ramp up resolution and diminish in size? Will there be a scaled down iMac? (doubtful) Will some other advances accompany Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt?

    I saw a two-year-old behave like that once... before getting his face smacked.

    Very intelligent response.

    Give it a shot pal.

    Aug 28, 12:29 PM
    So, uh.... PowerBook G5's tomorrow?

    Sep 15, 05:31 PM
    3MP iPod camera phone?!?!? i'll be the first one in line to have it:p

    Mar 29, 12:10 PM
    IDC seems to assume that anyone who would have walked into a store and bought a Nokia smartphone (with Symbian) will now walk into the store and still buy a Nokia smartphone (with WP7 this time).

    "Smartphones" covers a huge range of different phones. iOS and Android cover the higher end, Symbian covered the lower end. In the future, building the hardware for a "smartphone" instead of a dumb phone will become cheaper; as a result, many people not interested in the capabilities of a smartphone at all will buy one by default; that will make the smartphone market grow. That is also what makes Apple's iPhone market share shrink: Apple's sales are growing, the market share among _all_ phones is growing, but because the percentage of smart phones among all phones is growing from say 20% to 90%, the market share among smart phones is going down.

    But why would a former Nokia customer buy WP7? IDC assumes this will happen by default; they bought Nokia before, they bought Nokia again. But Nokia doesn't have the same product anymore. If the customer can't get something similar to what they had before, they are free to look _anywhere_. And WP7 can't beat Android on price (because of the license fees fees Nokia has to pay to Microsoft), and WP7 can't beat iOS on quality. I can't see any former Nokia customer deciding that a Nokia WP7 phone will be the best they can get for their money.

    Seems believable...all those people that bought Nokia phones obviously did not care that Symbian was outdated. Why will they not buy Nokia with a much modern OS under the hood?

    At some point Nokia had the best phones; then they messed it all up. People kept buying Nokia phones in shrinking numbers because they remembered Nokia's good reputation. That reputation is now gone. And there is still a bit of desert ahead of Nokia until they have WP7 phones for sale; that isn't going to help.

    Apr 14, 01:05 PM
    The mini-display port connector is part of the DisplayPort 1.2 standard and is seemingly seeing wide adoption from PC laptop and display makers.

    The DisplayPort 1.2 specification requires support for DisplayPort 1.1a on mini-display ports, but I don't see anything that precludes it supporting 1.2 signalling.

    Can you point to an article that details how Thunderbolt is a problem for this? The Thunderbolt controller, when connected to a DisplayPort 1.2 (only) display, could fall back to DisplayPort mode like it does now, could it not?

    Thunderbolt is currently limited to 10Gbps per channel, which is much less of what DisplayPort 1.2 requires.

    Sep 9, 04:09 PM
    I like to see some benchmarks against G4 machines and see if they make me pull the credit card out.

    They've done that in this benchmark, tho only on the Speedmark test:
    Speedmark 4.5 scores are relative to those of a 1.25GHz Mac mini, which is assigned a score of 100.
    If you go by that, the new iMacs are about 2.5x faster.

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