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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kim Kardashian talks about pop career on Wendy Williams

Kim Kardashian and one of her sisters went on Wendy Williams last week to talk about a hole bunch of randomness, including Kim's pop song.

Wendy brought up and asked Kim about her musical ambitions.  She states that The Dream and Ciara got her to record a single and said that it was only for "fun".  Her sister Kourtney, got in on the conversation and said Kim had a quote on quote "GREAT VOICE".   I'm wondering what the HELL she's listening to or what planet she flew in from for her to say that.

I think that Kim is going release an album in future, its only a matter of time before she realizes that its a great business venture.

Check out below Kim talk about the song.  Starts at 5:40

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