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Monday, February 28, 2011

Not just another normal Monday...

So you woke up this morning thinking 'ooooh great! another week on the grind, why do monday's have to exist? Seriously WWHYY!!! oh and its raining ergggh' but hold that thought ladies and gentleman because THIS IS NOT just your average Monday.

Today is in fact the day that the amazingly talented Jessie J album 'Who You Are' is RELEASED so I recommend you take that misery look off your face as its not everyday that one of Britain's most talented acts to come out of 2011 releases an album is it?

I'm so glad that the release date got pushed forward a month, I don't think I could have waited any longer and I'm sure you feel the same way too. With this being the release date of course the first thing I did was hop to my local branch of *cough cough* Sainsburys and check out the album in person.

Beautiful isn't it?! You can just feel the melodic beats and catchy lyrics trying to penetrate their way into your ear drums.

Here's the album cover in its full glory (minus the massive £9.99 stamp on it, this is what happens when HMV shuts down in your area lol!)

Here's 2 of my favourite tracks off the album, the first one is the next NEXT single to be released after Casualty Of Love called 'Nobody's Perfect' and the second is 'Rainbow' which like 'Price Tag' just makes you see the world in a cast of brightly coloured lights and smiles (No? That's just me huh? OK!) 

Happy Monday :)

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