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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

paula patton baby pics

paula patton baby pics. Paula Patton and Robin Thicke
  • Paula Patton and Robin Thicke

  • FriarNurgle
    Mar 29, 02:11 PM
    The only way that would happen would be for the phone to be GIVEN away at a price so LOW that nobody would refuse it. And it would have to include a data plan that costs practically nothing. And it would have to be contract free.

    Oh, look! There is an ad below this for HTC Aria� for just 1� - Free shipping - AT&T.

    That's kind of where I was going... but businesses would switch from Blackberrys to Windows Phones. I wouldn't put it past MS to offer some sort of crazy business discount to get companies to change.

    paula patton baby pics. robin thicke paula patton
  • robin thicke paula patton

  • cube
    Apr 22, 12:02 PM
    Err... and how is that relevant? I'm sure Blu-Ray will live on in other notebooks, but Apple's? Unlikely.

    There were 100GB BDXL when Apple refreshed the MacBook Pro's this year.

    There are no BDXL notebook drives yet.

    Just preempting any claim that there's no place for optical drives because "BD is obsolete".

    Even DVDs and CDs are not obsolete. They are mainstream distribution media.

    Optical drives at not at all at "floppy time".

    paula patton baby pics. Robin Thicke and Paula Patton
  • Robin Thicke and Paula Patton

  • iMeowbot
    Sep 14, 09:32 AM
    Photokina is a photo convention. Not a computer convention.
    So what? Last year alongside the Photo Plus Expo, Apple introduced Aperture, the quad G5 machines, and the last iteration of PowerBooks.

    paula patton baby pics. paula patton baby boy. paula
  • paula patton baby boy. paula

  • LarryC
    Apr 22, 03:06 PM
    Sounds great!

    Maybe we'll see a new Mini with Thunderbolt and an SSD option during the same time frame!

    One can hope...

    I thought that the biggest benefit of the mini was its low price. Stick an SSD in there and that will be gone.

    paula patton baby pics. paula-patton-450pk050411
  • paula-patton-450pk050411

  • McDave
    Sep 4, 09:46 PM
    I really doubt that Apple will put a TV tuner in this thing (if it's real). Think about it -

    Point 1 - If Apple puts a tuner in then they have to deal with the myriad of different types of TV.

    Point 2 - THEY SELL TV SHOWS!

    Does Steve want you to Tivo the new episode of "The Office" on your "MediaMac/Airport Express Video/Super iPod" or does he want you to come to the iTunes store and download it for $2? Apple, despite most of our (including my own) beliefs is a business and they have to think of the $$$ first.

    Why give something away when you can make money off it? That's still my theory as to why the mini didn't have a tuner from the start.

    Too true! Why create a device to capture/de-schedule broadcast TV (with the mis-timings, satellite rain-fade & commercials) when you can sell most of the content directly, with one mouse/remote-click.

    I think this will do to movies & TV what the iPod did for music, just don't forget the Blu-Ray player.


    paula patton baby pics. paula patton baby pics.
  • paula patton baby pics.

  • nick004
    Oct 27, 11:04 AM
    Apple is from California too though! And were not all hippies over here, for the record.

    Sorry, I like to perpetuate stereotypes

    paula patton baby pics. paula patton baby boy
  • paula patton baby boy

  • dr Dunkel
    Mar 30, 01:22 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I'm 100% with M$ on this one. Apple's case would never hold here.

    paula patton baby pics. paula patton baby boy. paula
  • paula patton baby boy. paula

  • donlphi
    Sep 5, 08:25 PM
    I agree with everyone here who says that when Apple starts their own movie store they should also release a new Application along with it.

    Playing video in iTunes is pretty bad.

    They could call it iMovie... wait that won't work.

    iFlix (too netflix-ee)? iPix(too pixarish)? iMedia (too micro$oftish)? nah.. just stick with iTunes... everybody knows how to use it, but fix the video playback.

    paula patton baby pics. robin thicke and paula patton
  • robin thicke and paula patton

  • GyroFX
    Apr 25, 04:08 PM
    carbon fiber?

    paula patton baby pics. star Paula Patton sat down
  • star Paula Patton sat down

  • peharri
    Sep 27, 11:45 AM
    In conclusion, the Think Secret article claims Apple expects to sell 25 million of the iPhones in the year 2007 alone. If Apple can pull that off, they will indeed be eclipsing the sales rates even of the highly successful RAZR. Unfortunately for Motorola, SonyEricsson, LG, Danger, Helio, etc., these eye-popping sales figures will come at the expense of all the othe "cool" phones that consumers were paying a premium for (RAZR, Walkman Phones, Chocolate, Sidekick, Helio). And not because these products necessarily compete head-to-head in terms of features, but rather because each person normally owns only one phone. So once consumers prioritize what they want in a phone, I predict many of them will opt to combine their iPod and phone into the same device. 25 million people making that choice in 2007 is not that far-fetched...

    And yet 25 million is a drop in the bucket as far as world wide phone sales go, even phones with MP3 playing features. And, sure, when offered the choice between the free 2-gig MP3 playing phone and the $200 (subsidized) iPhone or the $600 (unlocked) iPhone, they'll go with one of the latters. Yeah. That's the way it works... Ahem.

    So the majority of MP3 playing phones at the end of this, the vast majority, will not be "iPhones". And they'll be made by people who will definitely be hostile to Apple. So the iTS will sell content for 10% of the MP3 playing market, not 50-75%. And Steve Jobs will go to the studios and say "Ok, time to renew. Same plan as before, 99c a song. Who's with me?", and all the studios will give him the finger. And Jobs will say "Hang on", and run out, and call Motorola, and Motorola will say "License iTunes from you? Three words: 100 song limit. You're not screwing us over a second time. Get lost." and hang up. And he'll call Nokia, and hear laughing in the background. And he'll call Samsung, and get the same response. And Sony-Ericsson... I doubt he'll even bother.

    And so tiered pricing will arrive on the iTunes music store. Meanwhile complaints in MacRumors reach an all time high. The iPhone is lame! Why the hell do I have to navigate to VeringulaWeb to download ringtones? How dare you call me a liar! What, the All-Mobile one lets you download it from "Mobile iTunes Store"? What's that? BTW have you guys noticed it keeps crashing, I've had this on Sprodafone for three months and it crashes every time I go to voicemail. I will never buy another iPhone! I will never buy another iPhone! The iPhone sucks! I will never buy another Apple! Apple sucks! I will never buy another Apple!

    We're taking the ThinkSecret story seriously, still, right?

    Apple is going into competition with the all the other cellphone companies. And it's bringing to the table the amazing technology of playing DRM'd MP3s. Something no existing cellphone manufacturer could possibly hope to do. Right.

    But we're taking the ThinkSecret story seriously, still, right?

    *bangs head on desk*

    paula patton baby pics. paula patton baby pictures.
  • paula patton baby pictures.

  • iMeowbot
    Sep 14, 09:47 PM
    I see your points, but it would seem more natural to write on the screen (hand eye coordination) or to edit a photo, enlarge it, get rid of red eye, etc. If there was no adversed interaction with the stylus. Moving my hand while watching the cursor move far from the hand gets some getting used to. Using a stylus right on the screen would (in my mind) seem more natural. But you are the Pro, so I will defer to you.
    There's no need to defer, I'm sure this will all boil down to personal preferences :) All I know is that I was seriously annoyed by the Palm and Pocket PC interfaces, and a Cintiq I borrowed for a while was the same way. For now, a regular tablet seems to do the trick.

    I may feel differently about the interface some day when software is a little better about addressing lag (through better use of threading and so on). Faster hardware helps, but programs still like to wander off and do other things that leave the pointer ahead of the display. It's a little less unnerving if you can't quite see it happening :)

    paula patton baby pics. paula patton baby. paula
  • paula patton baby. paula

  • enklined
    Mar 23, 04:41 PM
    I got into a spat with a friend of a friend on Facebook about this. My buddy posted "Hey watch out for a DUI check point [insert location here." To which his friend said "Wow, good job helping drunk drivers get away free. Thats dumb."

    Isn't it possible that the heads up provided up this app (and friends, newspapers, etc) may make people who know they will be drinking later in the evening re-think their mode of transportation? Could be saving a life or two.

    paula patton baby pics. paula patton 308x1024 Is Paula
  • paula patton 308x1024 Is Paula

  • FuNGi
    Apr 25, 03:37 PM
    Agreed. I've never understood why macs have such large bezel's. The 11" MBA is a notable offender in particular, since because the laptop is so small, the wide bezel looks even more immense compared to the rest of the laptop.

    I think it has allot to do with the need to make the edges of the case thicker for stability. Look at the Air's internals from Apple's video. It clearly shows thicker edges that likely preclude the LCD from reaching all the way over. For Apple to reduce the Bezel entirely, the case would need to be thicker overall to maintain comparable rigidity - unless they built it of something stronger than aluminum...

    what is the point of an IPS screen with a low resolution? IPS is good for viewing angles but people rarely look at a laptop from extreme viewing angles. the color and contrast on the current mbp screen are pretty good right now.

    I'm sorry, the IPS is very useful if you happen to be three people wide watching a movie on your monitor. I know, it's sad, but many of us do not have televisions. That being said, I notice very little difference in viewing angle fidelity from my 24" ACD with IPS and my 2008 MBP, which presumably is a TN.

    Wow, I'm really impressed by all these people hoping for Liquid Metal. I'm wondering what they think that is, this "Liquid Metal". I bet they think it's something really cool, something that is completely different from anything that humankind has ever used in manufacturing (I mean, I read something like "Black Liquidmetal" in this thread. Wtf?). But truth is, if you held something in your hands made of Liquid Metal you wouldn't even notice the difference between that and anything made of aluminium, steel or any other shiny metal. It may be a very exciting new material for metallurgists or chemists but the consumer will probably just notice that it is a bit more durable and scratch resistant than aluminium (if at all, more likely in direct comparison only). It's the same thing as carbon. When I bought my first bike with carbon forks I was like "Holy crap this is real carbon, I bet this will change my life forever". In fact, it was just the same. Neither did it have a special feel to it. It felt like plastic, not very trustworthy. I liked how it reduced the weight (it was 15% lighter than my old bike all in all), but seriously, it wasn't a big deal after I got used to it. It will be the same with liquid metal. It has a fancy name and everything but for the enormous price of the material it has no use for the consumer whatsoever. It will also have traces of fingerprints on it, it will also get scratchy after some time and so on. Sure, it will take a longer time till it looks used, but nobody will think "This Notebook looks really bad. But hey, if it was made of aluminium it would have looked this way like two months ago. God, I'm so glad it's made of Liquid Metal instead".

    Do you honestly think people can't tell the difference between aluminum and steel. The metals are very different. The benefit of the liquidmetal is not in the feel per se but the strength to weight ratio. Like titanium. It is a premium for outdoor cookware because its as strong a steel but light as aluminum. If the MBP's are going to get much smaller then they need less of a body - liquidmetal would help. Also, if you've every dropped your laptop then having it bounce back would be nice.

    paula patton baby pics. paula patton baby.
  • paula patton baby.

  • iMacThere4Iam
    Apr 19, 06:53 PM
    Anyone who is stupid enough to confuse a Galaxy S with an iPhone shouldn't own a smartphone anyway. All they have to do is turn over the freaking phone and notice that big Samsung logo to know it's not an Apple product.

    They'll get a real education if they buy a Galaxy S and begin downloading questionable apps, and their so - called "open source" Android OS slows, freezes, and/or crashes while it's mining their personal data.

    paula patton baby pics. paula patton baby boy
  • paula patton baby boy

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 4, 01:01 PM
    In Virginia Tech for instance there was heroics. The professor held his body agains the door and prevented the gunmen from entering and killing more people. The bullets passed through the door and killed the professor but he was a hero Or does he need a gun to be a hero?

    "Heroics???" Who cares about heroics if you're dead??? This isn't a video game. The obvious best-case situation would have been a student pulling a pistol from his backpack and shooting the shooter in the head after the first couple of murders.

    Tell you what - you hold your body against the door, I'll use my gun. :rolleyes:

    There would have been no preventing that guy from killing. Sure he might have been killed. But he would have killed before people got their guns out to shoot back. And If there had been more people carrying guns there likely would have been cross fire from incompetent gun toters.

    Wow, your logic processor needs calibration. Of course he would have killed some. Would he have killed that many? NO.

    And notice I keep saying "armed and trained." You don't buy a handgun at the 7-11 and throw it in your pack. To use your quote, "It doesn't work that way."

    It is a fantasy story you concoct. But keep dreaming.

    I think the only fantasy here is the one playing out in your head.

    Perhaps someday you'll get to be the hero. Lets hope you don't wet yourself in the process.

    Based on your commentary, I'm sure I'm far more prepared than you. (And being a "hero" has nothing to do with it.)

    paula patton baby pics. Robin Thicke wife Paula patton
  • Robin Thicke wife Paula patton

  • 4God
    Aug 28, 01:10 PM
    I wonder if some people read the guide I made at all. :confused:

    I did after you posted on this thread. As I said, Thanks.

    paula patton baby pics. ROBIN THICKE And PAULA PATTON

  • emaja
    Apr 22, 11:31 AM
    Well no, not in the true sense of the word, but you do have the data and can use the data elsewhere.

    In the same way technically you don't own the music on a record, or cassette or CD, but you do have the ability to use/listen to the music elsewhere.

    I can just see this ability, which we have taken for granted since the 1st every records were sold to the public in around 1894 will soon, if big companies get there way and the public buy into it without thinking, will be coming to an end.

    I was just pointing this out, but I agree that it could be something that was easier to take away if there was no physical media.

    I am stuck between the two worlds of physical and digital media. I prefer to hold something in my hand since it makes me feel like I own something. As soon as I get the disk home I rip it in lossless into iTunes and put it in a box after tagging it meticulously. I enjoy the convenience, but not ready to take that full leap.

    paula patton baby pics. paula patton baby boy. paula
  • paula patton baby boy. paula

  • goron59
    May 3, 10:30 AM
    Isn't a single TB bus capable of driving more than one display.... so can you drive two displays from a single port?

    Might need a powered hub perhaps.. Dunno.


    paula patton baby pics. robin thicke and paula patton
  • robin thicke and paula patton

  • TheKrillr
    Aug 28, 12:58 PM
    I just want them to bump up the Macbook so then I can go ahead and buy my fist Mac. I just want to buy it when its the most current.

    Ya, that's that I'm hoping. For the same reason too. I've used macs forever, but never owned my very own (other than an old PowerMac 7500). I also hope they update the ipod soon, I want to get the latest and greatest but I need to order by wednesday :-p

    Tears Apart
    Mar 22, 01:57 PM
    Sources or not I think such release is to be expected quite soon. Right now Apple sells laptops as powerful as their desktops!

    Sep 4, 10:55 PM
    WO0t! PowerBook G5 tuesday after next!

    I never get sick of that, 12 month later and still is funny :D

    Apr 30, 06:21 PM
    Thing is though... if the new top end MacBook Pro can 2.3 can keep up with and beat even a current 8 core Mac Pro in some instances and trounce the quad core model, just how powerful is a top end Sandy Bridge iMac going to be :eek::confused:

    And seeing as Apple blessed us with quad core in the laptops, I would bet my remainder of my hair on my head that the top end iMac option at most will have six core sandy bridge :D

    i would crack up if they switched to amd chips!! and nvidia gpus,

    Nov 14, 08:01 PM
    I�m not sure if anyone�s mentioned it yet, but Rogue Amoeba has posted an update that explicitly explains the API calls and what�s actually going on. It�s not just Apple�s icons that are in play here.

    None of these icons are shipped in our apps

    On the iPhone side, Airfoil Speakers Touch just displays a generic �album art� image that comes from Airfoil. On the Airfoil side, both the Mac image and the application icon are fetched using public Cocoa APIs.

    The call we use to fetch the computer image is [NSImage imageNamed: NSImageNameComputer]. Behind the scenes, the system has a store of machine icons stored away in the /System directory, and matches up your computer�s model identifier with their artwork to return an icon.

    The call we use to get the target application�s icon is -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:], which can be used to obtain the icon for any file on the system. Applications such as the Finder would use this call to display the icons of files and applications on the hard drive when browsing its contents.

    The code is not specifically designed to send Apple�s icons

    The code is fully generic and simply sends the icon of whatever application the user chooses on the Mac side. Apple applications are popular audio sources for Airfoil, but it�s entirely possible to send third-party applications like Firefox, Spotify, Last.fm, our own Pulsar, and others, and many users do just that.


    Sep 15, 05:31 PM
    If by early '07 TS means this Tuesday then yes.....early '07 it is :cool:

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