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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

eclipse credit card machine

eclipse credit card machine. Credit Card (2010,
  • Credit Card (2010,

  • afrowq
    Mar 23, 04:45 PM
    The diehard Windows apologists have a hard time seeing beyond the monitor in front of them.

    I have a hard time seeing past any imac with those awful glossy screens.

    eclipse credit card machine. eclipse credit card machine.
  • eclipse credit card machine.

  • TheManOfSilver
    Sep 4, 09:09 PM
    I'd be surprised if Apple did anything with TV tuners.

    With the variety of TV services that people have (analog cable, digital cable, satellite TV, Verizon's TV over fiber, terrestrial HDTV), coming up with a device that can tune most folks TV doesn't sound easy, even for Apple.

    There may be lots of TV options out there, but right now Apple isn't servicing any of them. They're losing potential business to 3rd Party companies like Elgato. If they released a simple box with analog/digital standard/hidef options, they would be servicing the overwhelming majority of the market (most digital, satelite and other special services require set-top boxes anyway).

    eclipse credit card machine. Credit: IDEO and Eclipse
  • Credit: IDEO and Eclipse

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 30, 01:34 PM
    An .exe is an executable, not an application. Some people may have called them applications, but not MS. Never. Until now.

    See the screenshot posted all over this thread. Application has been used to described the filetype associated with .EXE in Windows Explorer for quite a while.

    The fact is, Application has been in use in the Windows world forever. Win16 and Win32 are APIs and API means Application Programming Interface.

    This is all besides the point, Apple is not trying to trademark Application or App. They are trying to trademark Grocery Store to sell their Groceries.

    as I type this reply, using Safari, I open and close different "windows" on my iMac.

    It's a good thing then that Microsoft's trademark on "Windows" does not apply to the graphical squares you see on screen but to Operating Systems then.

    eclipse credit card machine. Credit Card World Secure Lock
  • Credit Card World Secure Lock

  • wywern209
    Apr 30, 02:21 PM
    I understand where you are coming from. With your feet planted in set in concrete, unable to fathom future developments based on the experimental or high-end tech of the day, the Blu-Ray seems endlessly of value. Much like the tape reels of the 60s.

    The BluRay is going away for one very specific reason: mechanical. By 2016 the flash memory chips for 50gb will probably be so everyday and cheap that bulky, mechanical BluRay will seem awkward. By 2019 I'd bet you can store several times more than a BluRay on medium-priced thumb-drive.

    Proof? Look back 6 years when a 1gb thumb-drive was a huge chunk of cash. Look back 10 years when a 512MB thumb-drive was almost prohibitive to buy. The future is non-mechanical.

    perhaps, don't take it the wrong way but when people buy machines today, they also intend to use it for all the days leading up to the point where you can get 1 TB flashdrives for a few bucks.

    eclipse credit card machine. (Credit: Eclipse)
  • (Credit: Eclipse)

  • nwcs
    Apr 4, 12:25 PM
    Interesting how a security guard is allowed to have a gun. Interesting to see what happens to him.

    Most likely nothing. Read the article.

    eclipse credit card machine. To its credit, The Eclipse
  • To its credit, The Eclipse

  • berkleeboy210
    Sep 19, 01:33 PM
    Good, Now lets have some more studios come on in, and just maybe i'll buy the 80gb ipod

    eclipse credit card machine. eclipse credit card machine.
  • eclipse credit card machine.

  • iMacZealot
    Sep 17, 07:59 PM
    um.. ok im not sure that is really a response. that just tells me that you can add a phone to your plan for $10.

    Hmmm, link must've been wrong. But Sprint has free incoming plans. They are:

    $49.99/month 300 outgoing add'l min $.45 unlimited night & weekend
    $59.99/month 500 outgoing " " " " " " "
    $79.99/month 800 outgoing " " " " " " "
    $99.99/month 1000 outgoing " " " " " " "

    eclipse credit card machine. CREDIT CARD MACHINE TERMINAL

  • corywoolf
    Sep 5, 03:32 PM
    Showtime is owned by Viacom,who also owns the movie channel and a cable company.
    Who also owns the trademark "Mighty Mouse", which Apple licensed. I think he might be onto something. More then likely, the product is called "Showtime".

    eclipse credit card machine. eclipse credit card machine.
  • eclipse credit card machine.

  • Eidorian
    Sep 9, 01:26 PM
    Preemble clarification: I use Toast in a highly unorthodox way - nothing to do with writing DVDs or CDs. I use it most of the time to write DVD IMAGES that Handbrake understands how to make priistine mp4 files from. I am able to reduce a 4.3GB original EyeTV HD broadcast recording down to 351MB using this method. The result is an excellent, albeit soft, version of the original that can go on an iPod or two on a CD and when played on an analog TV looks like a DVD. On a HD monitor it still looks great. Just a little soft.

    I haven't explored what else we can run simultaneously beyond Toast and Handbrake. I can run as many instances of those as I like. But I run out of cores even just running both of them because they will each use more than two cores given the chance to run alone. Running them simultaneously even with a second Handbrake running third, still gets all the jobs done faster than waiting for two to run and then running the third. Handbrake will process up to about 150-160 fps when two copies are running while it will process only about 93-100 fps alone.

    Handbrake FPS readings vary a lot between the analysis pass and the writing pass - much slower writing on the second pass than studying-planning the writing scheme on the first pass on both the Quad and the Mac Pro. On the Mac Pro, Toast will use almost all 4 cores given no competition. But so far I'm not convinced it is encoding EyeTV recordings for DVD images much faster than it does on teh Quad - yes 7.1 UB. I need to go back and exact time some encodes on the Mac Pro then compare that here on the Quad to tell.

    Just tried to launch a second copy of EyeTV and it's a no go. Maybe if I have another liscense with another tuner like the new hybrid it will work with a second copy - don't know yet. Probably getting a hybrid tuner yet so I can record two shows at once.

    A Multi-Instance and Multi-Core Usage Guide would be a great help. Does someone with authorization want to start a thread on this subject? I am not authorized to create new threads. But I would be happy to contribute to it. If someone with new thread creation permission does it, please post a link to it here. Thank you.Well anyone here can start a Guide on the wiki. Ask around if anyone else knows more on the subject. Otherwise I picked you from our previous ramblings on Core 2 Duo and quad-core machines.

    Edit: Interesting usage of Toast/Handbrake there.

    64bit addressing arrives with the new cpu. so the point is that napa64 isn't really new, it just uses merom instead of yonah.I guess that resolves the Napa32/64 argument. If there ever was one...

    Yeah that will be the Mac Pro Jr. while the rest of the Mac Pros will be running pairs of Clovertowns.Cube? 24" iMac?

    eclipse credit card machine. eclipse credit card machine.
  • eclipse credit card machine.

  • lvlarkkoenen
    Apr 28, 03:46 PM
    I bet ballmers goal is $5.99 billion profit next quarter.

    In the quarter where Apple will still be selling alot of iPads? And release a new iMac? I highly doubt that would be enough. Let's not forget about Back to School either.

    Also, does anyone think Apple will soon be forced to bail Microsoft out? ;)

    eclipse credit card machine. eclipse credit card machine.
  • eclipse credit card machine.

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 28, 03:01 PM
    Also Im not sure if this has been mentioned, but the "free iPod with a Mac" offer ends sept. 16 according to the Apple Store....not sure if there's any correlation going here...

    This has been said many times by many people including myself who are all hoping to cash in on the free ipod offer by the 16th. Maybe if we all collectively think happy thoughts it will happen. Here's to hope! :D

    eclipse credit card machine. Credit Card Machines
  • Credit Card Machines

  • iamrawr
    Apr 25, 02:38 PM
    dooo iittt!!! :D so excited to get my next mbp 3-5 years from now.

    eclipse credit card machine. eclipse credit card machine.
  • eclipse credit card machine.

  • Willis
    Sep 14, 07:40 PM
    Photokina is a photo convention. Not a computer convention.

    the 17" MBP was released at a Media event... why not an update at a Photo event...

    This is Apple.. they dont follow rules

    eclipse credit card machine. Credit Card Blue World
  • Credit Card Blue World

  • milo
    Sep 5, 04:22 PM
    Does anybody think there will be a blu-ray announcement?

    Doubt it. The hardware is extremely expensive, nobody is excited about it, and there's still a pretty big risk that bluray won't even catch on, whether it's beat out by hddvd or if neither catches on. At this point, bluray would likely just get a big yawn from the public.

    eclipse credit card machine. Nurit Credit Card Terminal
  • Nurit Credit Card Terminal

  • Bomino
    Apr 25, 02:45 AM
    Because I actually care about my grandparents. They have done something genuine for me, they have cared for me, they have loved me, etc.

    this love you have for your grand parents is called conditional love. AKA the love of a spoiled brat. AKA fake love.

    EDIT: you know, if your parents thought of you this way, there would be absolutely no incentive to even want to feed you.

    eclipse credit card machine. Credit Card Equipment
  • Credit Card Equipment

  • sinisterdesign
    Aug 23, 10:52 PM
    Creative found a way to make money. good for them.

    eclipse credit card machine. eclipse credit card machine.
  • eclipse credit card machine.

  • macfan881
    Sep 12, 02:46 PM
    I'm in the same boat, just bought mah-jong for my video ipod and it won't drag in. and itunes says my software is "up to date":mad:
    i was able to get it by just restoring it through the ipod details in itunes im now qurently updating my ipod to 1.2

    eclipse credit card machine. eclipse credit card machine.
  • eclipse credit card machine.

  • sammyman
    Apr 30, 01:11 PM
    Time to buy a machine for my wife.

    Just hope they don't decide to redesign the iMac the beginning of next year like they plan to do with the Macbooks.

    eclipse credit card machine. eclipse credit card machine.
  • eclipse credit card machine.

  • TheKrillr
    Sep 5, 05:57 PM
    Strange, the movie store is the thing that I am least excited about :confused: But I still hope for new imac and/or mbp.

    Why is it everyone says "Ooooh i want a new macbook pro!"? I personally like the macbooks much better. The keyboard is nicer IMO, and I prefer the smaller size and the solid-color as opposed to the metallic finish.

    I want a new Macbook, but ONLY if they upgrade the one i ordered last tuesday... >.>

    Spanky Deluxe
    Sep 5, 12:05 PM
    This sure does look interesting. I doubt an Airport replacement will be released just yet, not until the draft gets approved. Although it could explain the delayed Airport Express chips for the Mac Pros. An iTunes Movie service has been a definite since the big data centre was built a few months ago imo.

    Jul 14, 09:29 AM
    Conroe benchmarks posted on AnandTech (http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2795) are really good. I luv this statement:

    As you will soon see, Intel's new Core 2 lineup has basically made all previous Intel processors worthless. The performance of the new Core 2 CPUs is so much greater, with much lower power consumption, that owners of NetBurst based processors may want to dust off the old drill bits and make some neat looking keychains.

    Jul 15, 03:44 PM
    I did, at the time, it said mid-product cycle. And I had to have the computer for school, so I had to get it then. I'm just sad.Well I don't have a computer right now either. So I have to get one for school too. I'm holding out until WWDC at least. If I'm lucky maybe even Apple Expo Paris. I doubt that one though. Unless work buys me a computer.

    Sep 18, 01:55 PM
    Are they any good? I've never seen a phone with a good camera, 10MP phone sounds like 10MP of grainy nasty pictures to me.

    By definition, 10MP phone cannot be as grainy as a 3MP phone. You do realize when someone says 10MegaPixel phone what they mean right?.
    10 million pixels per square inch (before the tech police come out, this is a basic definition. I am aware an image does not have to be a square).

    Aug 24, 08:19 AM
    Can't wait to see what my Apple stock does today...:rolleyes:

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