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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

knotts berry farm rides

knotts berry farm rides. WindSeeker at Knott#39;s Berry
  • WindSeeker at Knott#39;s Berry

  • nagromme
    Sep 5, 01:59 PM
    A start to movie downloads is for sure.

    But anything else might be postponed, so we must try to remain calm :)

    (It's all the OTHER rumors that interest me more. I highly doubt that iTunes movies will meet my standards at first--though I'm happy to see a step in that direction. If they're less than DVD quality they'd better be close AND very cheap. And until the selection rivals Netflix it won't see much use from me.)

    Re Core 2 Duo

    The iMac may get the headline (if a larger size is truly coming) but they could well update iMacs AND MacBook Pros simultaneously. Makes a good announcement that way.

    knotts berry farm rides. Knotts Berry Farm by
  • Knotts Berry Farm by

  • emw
    Aug 23, 04:42 PM
    Really, though $100 million isn't all that significant to a company with reserves like Apple has, vs. having a possible patent infringement hanging over them that could, given a ruling against them, cost much more.

    knotts berry farm rides. Knott#39;s Theme Park
  • Knott#39;s Theme Park

  • Lukeyy19
    Apr 4, 12:31 PM
    i honestly can't understand people who say there was no need to kill him, he was armed and shot at the security guard.

    A criminal shoots at a security guard who is just doing his job of protecting the public? and a Security Guard shoots at a criminal who is shooting at him, endangering the public and stealing, and somehow the Security Guard is the bad guy here?

    this criminal had no respect or regard for anyone but himself, he was a CRIMINAL, that was his choice to make, if he'd of made a better choice, he'd still be alive.
    If the Security Guard had of made a different choice he may not still be alive.

    it's just like the whole Raoul Moat thing here in the UK, he killed I don't know how many people, injured others, shot a Police Officer in the face with a shotgun, and people still said it was wrong to kill him, SERIOUSLY!

    I say well done to the Security Guard, i just hope he is commentated for doing the right thing, and lives the rest of his life peacefully.

    knotts berry farm rides. knotts berry farm rides.
  • knotts berry farm rides.

  • Applespider
    Sep 5, 03:19 PM
    Yeah... yeah... Movies for the American audience...

    ...I don't even get TV shows... :(

    Precisely... at least a gesture to the international audience would be good.

    UK stations offer TV online... but all through WMP that Macs can't use.

    knotts berry farm rides. Knott#39;s Berry Farm theme
  • Knott#39;s Berry Farm theme

  • bdj21ya
    Sep 15, 07:01 PM
    The biggest reason phones suck today is because the interfaces are horrible (SE's being the best of them all). Motorola's phones are nice but their UI's are awful. What I am expecting from Apple is an easy to use phone that looks great and has, nothing less than, an excellent UI. Of course it'll work with iSync ... that's just obvious.

    Hear hear! It bugs me no end that every time I use my Motorola phone's user interface I see obvious ways it could have been better, if anyone had bothered to put 5 minutes of thought into it. For example, menus should be able to be controlled by numbers. That way you can memorize a code to get to functions you use frequently, and you don't have to look at the screen or click up and down arrows all day long. (This is how my Samsung phone was)

    knotts berry farm rides. knotts berry farm.
  • knotts berry farm.

  • Zwhaler
    Sep 5, 05:54 PM
    Strange, the movie store is the thing that I am least excited about :confused: But I still hope for new imac and/or mbp.

    knotts berry farm rides. old knotts berry farm rides.
  • old knotts berry farm rides.

  • mmcc
    Apr 22, 08:25 AM
    The cellphone providers are doing all they can to reduce bandwidth usage. About a year ago I switched to the 200MB/mo. data plan to save $$$ on my AT&T bill.

    I don't understand how this application of the cloud is very useful. It will be something I would consider using only if I am near a WiFi connection, plus the ability to use DropBox for any kind of file trumps something that only works for music.

    Is the practical application going to provide control over whether it is active over WiFi vs. 3G? I am not paying another $15/mo. (or more) to AT&T just to listen to music.

    I don't get it. :confused:

    knotts berry farm rides. Knott#39;s Berry Farm Guide
  • Knott#39;s Berry Farm Guide

  • door4
    Sep 5, 11:48 PM
    i know, but in that case apple has to port front row to windows. Or they have to implement front row into itunes or something like that, so that it will work exactly the same way on windows as on mac. as long as they have itunes installed. but that way, all media files (movie store movies, avi, divx, video_ts folders and even photo's) should be stored inside itunes.

    Apple will probably just update ITMS to be a better venue for movies. M$ probably doesn't want a new "media center" to conflict with theirs.

    knotts berry farm rides. Knott#39;s Berry Farm answer to
  • Knott#39;s Berry Farm answer to

  • ericinboston
    Apr 28, 05:24 PM
    Apple and MS haven't competed against each other since 1993. And back then it was still just on the OS.

    Apple has always competed against the entire Wintel PC market...not just Microsoft's Windows OS.

    It's all about 2 different business models, essentially centering at the OS:

    1)Apple makes, sells, supports the Mac OS and Mac hardware

    2)Microsoft, on the other hand, simply creates the OS and licenses it to hardware vendors.

    Of course Microsoft is unhappy with this breaking news but they, again, are 2 completely different business models. One could write a small book on the topic.

    knotts berry farm rides. Knott#39;s Berry Farm in Buena
  • Knott#39;s Berry Farm in Buena

  • shecky
    Sep 14, 10:20 AM
    I already did that (explain myself) and you said I was ignorant for doing so - didn't leave me many options, really. :)

    mmmmmmmmmmm i just went thru the whole thread and you most certainly have not explained any of your statements, other than saying aperture needed new towers to run properly.

    and i want to be clear that i am not neccesarily disagreeing with you, i just want to know why you seem so decisive in your statements with no explantion to them. if you are so sure, i want to know why so i can either agree with you and stop waiting for this ^%$$%#$@#!ing MBP that never seems to get here, or i can disagree and wait until the 24th.

    if you are not willing to explain yourself then you are just trolling

    knotts berry farm rides. PASS, ) Knott#39;s Berry Farm
  • PASS, ) Knott#39;s Berry Farm

  • mape2k
    Apr 30, 06:28 PM
    Curious that everyone is clamoring for a thunderbolt-enabled machine, but there isn't a single thunderbolt drive available on the market.

    I guess some people just need to feel like they have new stuff even if it's totally pointless.

    Pointless right now, but what about in 6 month? The price of the iMac will just be the same then but it is very likely some TB displays and external storage device have been released. So why not by now and wait for the TB peripherals?

    Plugging in one cable to connect and external monitor while daisy chaining multiple external storage sources is far from pointless to me...

    knotts berry farm rides. knotts berry farm rides.
  • knotts berry farm rides.

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 30, 03:14 PM
    You are also stuck in current times. Physical media will be dead by then, everything is going to be cloud based, there will be no such thing as a physical copy of movies any more :)

    The bottleneck is internet speed. Until the world has South Korean-esque internet speeds, physical media isn't going anywhere.

    knotts berry farm rides. knotts berry farm rides. at
  • knotts berry farm rides. at

  • AppleHater
    Apr 20, 12:43 AM
    Please come to Korea. Samsung have been doing this illegally for years, often suing the small person to popperdom. No big corporation is good, but when you attach massive corps under the umbrella of a conglomerate, you combine all of that evil into one massive black hole.

    At least Apple try to get to the bottom of suicides and deaths at their factories; at least they have only one core business to protect ruthlessly. Samsung (indeed, the biggest copycat I've seen) are huge pirates (selling fake DVD's/CD's in their grocery stores; rebadging Mercedes, Nissan, etc., cars for their own line; buying out large portions of most newspapers here). Apple's rise to the top has been fettered with bad, but not outright illegal bad to the extent Samsung's has.

    Now we have bad planting a peck on evil.

    You're making some impressive allegation. Quite a conspiracy theory that is. Speaking of your buying up Apple comment, Samsung being able to buy Canada sounds pretty amusing and cute as well.

    knotts berry farm rides. knotts berry farm rides. at
  • knotts berry farm rides. at

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 20, 11:27 AM
    Of course that's the ideal answer but an impossible answer. So again, Google or your device/computer?

    I'd rather have Google or Apple for that matter having that information in their servers, than it being in a unencrypted file on my phone or on my computer.

    What Apple has done here is giving anyone with access to either your phone or your computer a way to track your movement. And that person would not need to either install something or deal with encrypted files. The person tracked would have no clue that it's happening.

    Once again, it's shown that when it comes to security and encryption, Apple needs to improve their game.

    But, it's great thing for jealous husbands who would want to monitor what their wives are doing.

    knotts berry farm rides. knotts berry farm rides
  • knotts berry farm rides

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 20, 09:10 AM
    You're right. Apple doesn't use an Apple for their logo. :rolleyes:

    Also the fact that its pretty obvious that Steve Jobs is obsessed with the Beatles.

    knotts berry farm rides. old knotts berry farm rides.
  • old knotts berry farm rides.

  • jafd
    Apr 25, 02:48 PM
    (see back lit keyboard in current MBA)

    And replace backlight with Braille print? Cool, it would save some battery juice at night. By the way, I don't look at the keyboard when typing. Are you?

    knotts berry farm rides. When Knott#39;s Berry Farm opened
  • When Knott#39;s Berry Farm opened

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 14, 01:58 PM
    New Aperture, New MacBook's, and hopefully New MacBook Pro's with the magnetic latch, and that fabulous magnetic keyboard.

    knotts berry farm rides. [image of Knott#39;s Berry Farm
  • [image of Knott#39;s Berry Farm

  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 02:37 PM
    As Eidorian's link points out, Core Duo (Yonah) performance falls somewhere between the Athlon X2 3800 and the Athlon X2 4200. The 2.40GHz E6600, 2.66GHz E6700, and 2.93GHz X6800 Core 2 Duos in particular are at least 40% faster, which is exactly what Intel promised at the IDF.That's where I gauged it as well. The 1.86 GHz Conroe beats AMD's FX-62 in a few tests.

    Hell the E6400 (2.13 GHz, $224) and the E6500 (2.4 GHz, $316) are more then enough to compete with the FX-62 (2.8 GHz, $999)

    knotts berry farm rides. I love this ride!
  • I love this ride!

  • mrbrown
    Mar 23, 07:17 PM
    If you're drunk enough that you shouldn't be driving, no app is going to save you. It's as simple as that.

    Nov 13, 03:22 PM
    In a sense, yes. The rules for iPhone development are different than for Mac OS X.
    Except in this case, they still didn't break the rules. Nothing in the SDK prohibits what they did. (Gruber's reply (http://daringfireball.net/2009/11/airfoil_touch_situation) to Jeff LaMarche sums it up very nicely — I know it's already been linked to be I think it needs repeating)

    YES, Apple can reject an app for any reason they see fit. But this is getting ridiculous. I haven't cared about any of the apps made by developers that have so far jumped ship, but one of these days it is going to be one of the ones I care about, and I'm not looking forward to it.

    Apr 20, 10:28 AM
    Just downloaded the app and had a quick look. All I can say is this data would be pretty useless if you're trying to work out where I've been. As a lot - and I mean more than 60% - of the dots are in places that I've never even been! In the FAQ for the app they say this will happen, but some of these places are like 30-60 miles from where I actually was during the weeks in question.

    So I wouldn't worry about it too much, if it was actual GPS data and not Cell Tower triangulation then it would be much more accurate, but as it appears [at least from my cursory glance] you couldn't really tell where I was with any degree of accuracy. In fact, there was one week where it put me in Bristol UK with lots of dots all over the city and I was actually in Spain!

    Apr 20, 11:09 AM
    who cares?

    Sep 14, 11:08 AM
    OK, I'm new to Macs, and so I've never made a What's-Steve-gonna-do-next prediction before, but you guys are having too much fun; so I'm gonna give it a try!

    I think Apple set a precedent with the release of the C2D IMacs. It was a quiet release, and Steve didn't even mention them at Tuesday's presentation. I don't see why he would do anything different with the MBP's, unless Apple is releasing a drastically new model of the MBP, which I doubt since they have not even been out a year. So, if we get C2D MBP around this event, it will be next Tues or Wed, and it will be a semi-quiet release, just like the IMacs.

    I do think we'll see new cinema displays. Apple recently dropped the price of the current models and "updated" the specs, but I'm not convinced that there was actually any change in the hardware. There is no standardization to the monitor specs, so there's probably quite a bit of freedom that can be taken into assigning the different numbers. I called Apple store a few weeks ago to ask them about the new specs, and the guy didn't even know they had changed! I think the recent price drop signals an upgrade in the near future, and what better forum than a photography convention?

    Of course, I also think Aperture 2 will be there as well. I would also guess at new ISight cameras. The old ones are definitely starting to show their age, especially for the price.

    So to sum up:

    1. Possible quiet release of C2D MBP next week.
    2. Aperture 2, ISight camera, and new displays on the 24th.

    Just my thoughts.

    That was fun!
    so new and yet so insightful... I dont know about the displays, but the rest sounds resonable to me at least. :)

    Sep 14, 06:33 PM
    I doubt we'll see some headless tower (apart from the macpro) i honestly don't think its in apple's interest to openup a new price point. Mac mini provides a nice entry for windows users, people wanting something next to their tv, or have the monitor etc already. MacBook provides mobile low end. iMac allows a bit more power and features over the mini for home users wanting a bit more and companies and people who dont need the power of the Mac Pro. MacBook Pro is high end portable allowing for graphics, photography, design, etc, and to some extent gaming on the go. The Mac Pro is the beast, a workstation more than a desktop and therefore is over specced for the normal user. But why put in a new model in between a imac and a mac pro when having the gap forces people looking for more than an imac to go for the mac pro and increase revenue. By creating an 'in between' model it takes sales away from the popular imac and the expensive mac pro, would probably have to have lower margins to get people to buy it and would just float about in the middle. Maybe die a fate similar to the cube? I don't see it being a smart move.
    Mac Pro is not a gaming machine. The memory kills it. It is a server/workstation class designed to worked on large pieces of data.
    Gaming is very different and can not use slow memory, it needs to be snappy. Apple does need to make the Gamer machine but it does not have to be as big as the Mac Pro. Kensfield is a real possibility in that system, and yes it is coming in my opinion. Not so much for us but for selling to Wintel users and potential switchers.

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