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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

six flags magic mountain x2

six flags magic mountain x2. Remove Frame | Source Image
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  • waltchui
    Apr 4, 12:35 PM
    just fyi, being from san diego. Otay Mesa/Otay ranch is only 5-10 minutes from the Mexican border/Tijuana

    six flags magic mountain x2. X2 Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • X2 Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • xxxamazexxx
    Mar 29, 01:02 PM
    Looking at the figures right now anyone can easily see that iOS is not the dominating platform. Not even the second most popular (which is Symbian), but does anyone really care ? Same case with the Macs and Mac OS X.

    I would really like to see Microsoft step up the game because in the end, we customers are the ones receiving most benefit.

    I had been a loyal Windows user (up to Windows 7) when I switched to Mac last year. My take is that Windows and its creators are not technically inferior to Mac OS and Apple, but their corporate philosophy has never sported the acumen and, guess what, common sense with which Steve Jobs creates such reliable, handsome products.

    six flags magic mountain x2. six flags magic mountain rides
  • six flags magic mountain rides

  • Porchland
    Sep 26, 07:49 AM
    Oh man. Verizon early termination fee, here I come.

    Yeah, this is pretty exciting news. I had already planned to call Verizon this morning to see when my contract is up.

    EDIT: $175 termination fee per phone and a good while to go on the contract. Yeouch! I may just have to keep my fingers crossed that Verizon Wireless gets the iPhone late next year.

    six flags magic mountain x2. Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • johnnymg
    Apr 30, 02:24 PM
    yes, new imac's will come, but sadly the will probably come without:

    1- Matte screen option
    2- USB 3
    3- Blu-Ray

    apple will just give consumers part of the options they want.

    "You'll get NOTHING and like it" ............ Rodney Dangerfield

    six flags magic mountain x2. six flags magic mountain rides
  • six flags magic mountain rides

  • notabadname
    Apr 19, 12:42 PM
    Well of course they will respond "strongly". As if they would respond with a; "Yep, you got us on this one, where do we send the Billion dollar check".

    six flags magic mountain x2. Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • madmax_2069
    Oct 27, 02:58 PM
    im all for being green, but i cant stand what greenpeace stands for and there approach on getting people to be treehuggers. your not going to survive being a 100% treehugger in this world today. so i don't understand greenpeace. yea people can be less poluting (like burning trash and stuff) but stuff we cant help (farting) they are getting as bad as the animal rights group, they will let a human die to save a animal. im not going to wreck my car to keep from hitting a animal.

    like what was said before you cant make a computer out of wood and grass. and no im not talking about the case im talking about the internal's. and even tho the case was made by wood people like greenpeace would still complain cause it killed a tree to make

    six flags magic mountain x2. six flags magic mountain rides
  • six flags magic mountain rides

  • sixth
    Sep 5, 08:45 AM
    hmmm..maybe a big update!? or maybe nothing...:-(

    six flags magic mountain x2. video. Thanksgiving Break
  • video. Thanksgiving Break

  • strwrsfrk
    Apr 22, 12:53 PM
    If ditching the 320M and switching to an i-processor boosts battery life even 10%, I think it will be worth it.

    People who want to play modern games on these systems should already be aware of their limitations; sure, a graphics downgrade is a bummer, but the Intel IGP is good enough for most general productivity needs. And it's already been proven to handle 1080p out.

    The general sentiment that the 2012 will be an improvement on 100% of the internals is likely accurate. However, there are four changes that will make this a 100% buy for me:

    1) Backlit keyboard (my biggest hope).
    2) Larger SSD. 90+ GB base (128 would be most likely, I reckon), 380+ GB BTO.
    3) +10% Battery life. An extra 30 minutes to an hour would be spectacular.
    4) Core i ULM processor.

    six flags magic mountain x2. Six Flags Magic Mountain#39;s New
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain#39;s New

  • BobbyDigital
    Sep 13, 11:20 PM
    Hello everyone! I've been a daily MacRumors.com nerd for about 2 years now, but I never took the time to register until today...

    I am definitely going to buy an Apple phone when and if it becomes available. I'm sure they'll get the design and interface right, as they always do. I saw someone post something on here (or maybe it was another recent thread) claiming their friend saw the Apple phone branded as a Samsung at a mobile phone convention just recently (which I totally doubt, they would never bring it out in public before release)... I think they're talking about this phone:

    Samsung SGH-Z610 (http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2006/08/29/samsungs-touchscreen-sgh-z610-sees-fcc-approval/)

    I love the design of it, but I'm really not sure if Apple would abondon the click wheel on their first step into the cell phone market. One part of me wishes they would go with a full touch screen, but I think the click wheel will make it easier to market to the masses of iPod lovers.

    six flags magic mountain x2. X2 Roller Coaster Six Flags
  • X2 Roller Coaster Six Flags

  • donlphi
    Sep 16, 12:58 PM
    I have to disagree on the price point.

    For $1000 you can get a low level 17" iMac. Why would I want to pay that for a frikking phone?

    $600 buys you a nice Mini with a dual core. Why pay that much for a phone?

    The phone sweet spot is $299, with bluetooth, camera (optional), full pda capabilities, nice screen, voice command, 256 meg internal mem, 2-4 gig flash, new antenna design to pull in weak signals, open so that you can move it from carrier to carrier.

    Something like that would sell like hot cakes. Not only that but it would beat a lot of the phones out there in price, usability, and coolness.

    If you can connect a small but full sized bluetooth keyboard to it, I wouldn't mind haviing something that is ultra portable. It could even act like a phone, but I would like to see a smaller macbook available.

    I know your dealing with screen real estate issues, but I wouldn't be using it to create movies for disney pixar.

    six flags magic mountain x2. At Six Flags Magic Mountain in
  • At Six Flags Magic Mountain in

  • DeathChill
    Apr 20, 08:41 PM
    Wow. Good find. How is Apple even gonna dispute that.

    Bottom Line, with this lawsuit, Apple has clearly declared they see Samsung as a very real threat. Samsung is MASSIVE. They are a true OEM. Look how they were able to pull off a revised Galaxy Tab 10.1 in a span of 2 months. That's true OEM muscle being flexed. Apple Knows this, hence their request to have the Galaxy devices removed from market.

    What an absolute joke. I'm still a little shocked Apple is even suing.

    Because, as it has been said on every single page, the image is flat out wrong. The Samsung F700 wasn't shown until AFTER the iPhone: February 2007.

    six flags magic mountain x2. six flags magic mountain rides
  • six flags magic mountain rides

  • zweigand
    Apr 25, 12:12 AM
    Fun and games till it's not.

    six flags magic mountain x2. Goes to Magic Mountain!
  • Goes to Magic Mountain!

  • SeaFox
    Apr 22, 10:45 PM
    LOL at some of the responses here. Something to think about:

    six flags magic mountain x2. Park: Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • Park: Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • mkrishnan
    Sep 19, 04:19 PM
    I disagree. Dolby Digital is no longer reserved for rich �ber-geeks. Many "regular Joes" have a Dolby Digital setup now, and you can get a Dolby Digital receiver (all 5 normal channels powered) for under $100.

    I think you have to draw a distinction between uber-geeks, also, and people who know what they like but who are not necessarily technophiles. The latter market has always been a core market to Apple. What I mean by that is that I don't think that the cost of the collateral equipment would stop Apple -- say only offering support for nicer TVs -- but I do think complexity could potentially stop them.

    Even in this thread, it's clear that the switch from the relatively contained hardware world of Apple Macs and iPods to the TV world is going to be very complicated and confusing to a lot of people. While we're at our Macs, we have the luxury of "It Just Works." With all the different audio and video standards and so on in the TV world, it's not so simple at all.

    six flags magic mountain x2. Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • 0815
    Apr 20, 12:56 PM
    Presumably with a warrant and not on the fly at the side of the road without a warrant. Although I remember reading about some sort of site the gov has set up with the carriers where they can get info without warrants (patriot act thing).

    Still they store it and can access it - nobody except my touches my iPhone and my Laptop. I actually enjoyed looking at the map. Nobody can access it on they fly on the road.

    six flags magic mountain x2. Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • BornAgainMac
    Apr 22, 01:31 PM
    I expect Apple to have FaceTime HD on the next Air.

    six flags magic mountain x2. video. Thanksgiving Break
  • video. Thanksgiving Break

  • baryon
    Mar 29, 01:07 PM
    We expect the first devices to launch in 2012.

    How can you predict the market share of a device that you can only predict will launch in a year?

    I simply can't imagine the relationship of Nokia and Microsoft to bring anything like the iPhone. Nokia was good with non-smartphones and Microsoft was good with Windows XP, combine that and you get... nothing.

    six flags magic mountain x2. Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 14, 09:25 AM
    My 2 cents worth of predictions as to what will be announced at this event

    Apterture update (going out on a limb there)

    iSight update (since ship times have slipped to October, it seem like Photokina would be a logical place to announce new iSight cameras)

    new Cinema Displays (they were discounted at WWDC over a month ago, so perhaps that's an inventory clearance strategy to make room for new, larger displays that might incorporate built in, adjustable iSights)

    As usual, I'm probably wrong.

    six flags magic mountain x2. Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • tekmoe
    Sep 14, 08:46 PM
    As the MacBook Pro is wider, it will get very light magnets at either end of the displays too, to hold it neatly shut.

    one of the best predictions i have heard to date...

    Chris Bangle
    Sep 1, 11:45 AM
    all i wont is a touch screen ipod, im not buying a mac till january. But a 30 inch imac would be amazing.. 23 inch will do though.

    Oct 12, 03:36 PM
    why is apple wasting time, money and resources on a damn red U2 ipod? I hope the Zune becomes a big hit and takes a big chunk out of apple market share so they can focus on making a better product instead of these stupid minor updates and colors. :mad:

    Sep 12, 03:26 PM
    Because they use the same battery, how can videos play longer and not music?

    Either the video playback code was improved to be less power hungry (maybe it uses less CPU, maybe it doesn't need to spin the disk as much), or an improved video chip was put in which uses less power.

    Apr 22, 02:31 AM
    A lot of people have more than 5GB in their music collection, so for these people the Amazon service doesn't work.

    Purchase an MP3 album from the Amazon MP3 Store by 11:59 PM PST on December 31, 2011.

    * If you qualify for this offer and either have not signed up for Amazon Cloud Drive or have the 5GB Amazon Cloud Drive plan, you will be automatically eligible for the 20 GB plan for one year from the date of your MP3 album purchase. Unless you set your account to auto-renew to a paid plan, the 20 GB plan will revert to a free plan one year from the date of your MP3 album purchase.

    * If your Amazon Cloud Drive account is already at 20 GB or higher when you qualify for this offer, the offer will be saved to your account as a $20 credit toward any future Amazon Cloud Drive plan fees you may incur at the time your plan renews or at the time you upgrade your plan. If you elect to downgrade your plan to a free plan at the time of renewal, your upgrade offer will be applied towards the 20 GB plan at that time.

    MP3 albumes start at just 69 cents

    Aug 24, 02:20 AM
    What many people fail to realize it Creative had some accessories that have adapters that work with the Shuffle and the ipod however this alows them to actually put the "made for ipod" tag on it.

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